Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Thoughts at this moment

-I should be cleaning my kitchen.
-I should be folding laundry.
-Why can't this be true fall weather and then the stuff we usually get in November could actually just be winter? Also, winter should really only last the month of December and then we could have 4-5 months of lovely spring weather.
-I know that I should really start making Tiger poop on the potty, but he is around me all the time and the only time he plays by himself is when he is in his room, in a diaper, taking care of business. So you can see why I am not really motivated to complete this last step of the potty training process.
-I think that I might become a yoga girl.
-After learning that Tiger is allergic to wheat and soy, I am completely overwhelmed at the thought of having to cut all of that out of his diet. The kid hardly eats anything as it is and lives on Cheerios and goldfish. I can only hope that he outgrows this allergy like all of the websites says that he should.
-I am very sad that due to the extra hot weather this summer, the apples have been ripening much faster than usual and so I totally missed Gala apple picking this year. I just hope that I can catch the Fuji apples.
-I am giving up sugar and after all of this apple talk all I want now is an apple pie.
-I really need someone to come into my house and tell me how to make it more efficient. Certainly there is a way to fit all of our stuff into this little house.
-This morning there was a baby opossum walking around on my neighbor's driveway. It was adorable and the kids loved seeing it. Tiger wanted to read books to it and have it for a pet. I just hope that it was able to find it's home.
-My head hurts.


lukeandjillfamily said...

So I haven't looked at your blog for quite some time, or anyone's really, but I had a good laugh reading it this morning, and it made me miss your cute family. I can't believe how big your kids are getting and I love your funny stories.

Valerie said...

If you head down to Laurelville they still have Galas! We just got some over the weekend!

Valerie said...
Here's that website I was telling you about.
We will TOTALLY catch the Fuji's, not to worry!