Thursday, March 17, 2011

I feel an apology is in order

I feel bad for railing on poor Joseph from the play I saw last weekend.  Maybe he had been going to the gym.  Maybe he had already lost 75 pounds and was well on his way to reaching that goal weight.  Or, maybe he just doesn't care about his jiggles and he is secure in himself because he knows he's got some pipes and was having the time of his life up there on that stage.  And so, Joseph, I apologize.  Your jiggles are your business and not mine to critique. 


Emilia said...

Um, no. They became your business when you bought a ticket to watch a man walk around on stage for two hours with no shirt on. At the very least it should not be distracting.

Dehner Family said...

You are so funny! I agree with Emilia - it is your business :) Now when it comes to my jiggles it's a different story - Miles always smacks my bum and says its funny how it moves when he hits it... Rude little boy!
I love the snuggles picture of your boys. How sweet!