Monday, August 16, 2010

Day Two

Better. I didn't immediately turn my alarm off and I didn't completely go back to sleep. I did doze for a good 15 more minutes until I peeled myself out of bed, but it hurt and went against all of my natural instincts. Things that helped get me out of bed: Sunshine! A sick and coughing girl. Tiger moaning while he tries to stay asleep, but having a hard time because he is still getting used to the new room he now shares with Sparky and it is a lot brighter in the morning than his old room. Things that made me want to crawl back into my snugly covers: Insomnia. I am not a fan of this little insomniac phase that I seem to be having right now. Last night was particularly bad and I am not sure I ever fell asleep. I also don't know what to do with myself this early and so there isn't any motivation for me to get up. I need to start having a plan or some sort of goal to accomplish once I get up. Sure, I could work out, but I am not mentally there yet. I could read, but that will just put me back to sleep. There is always laundry to fold . . .hmmm, we'll save that as a last resort. Goal tonight: Go to sleep on time and actually sleep.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

I'm going to try this experiment as well:)