Friday, August 27, 2010

First Day of School = A Happy Mom

The first day of school was glorious . . . for me (oh, and for the kids)! The last month has been rough and I guess I didn't realize how much of that had been due to the fact that we were all just ready for school to start so that we could have a routine again. Here is the before school money shot. This was right before Sparky went off to have his birthday donuts with Dad. You see, Sparky's birthday was also on the first day of school. A fact that definitely put an extra bounce in his step this day.

KK racing off of the bus, excited to tell me all about her first day.

Tiger really missed his brother and sister. I thought he was doing pretty well until he had a total meltdown over something silly and was impossible to console. Seeing the kids at the bus stop definitely made his day.

This picture just makes me laugh. I told the kids to hug because they had been so cute and happy and I must have caught Sparky mid-drama over this hug because he totally looks like he is crying and that KK is consoling him. I promise that he was all happy smiles with no tears. Actually he was probably whining over the fact that the sun was in his eyes (because heaven forbid that I ask him to smile for the camera when the sun is shining).

So there you have it. Another great school year has begun. Stay tuned for Tiger's first day back-to-school coming next week.

1 comment:

Kurt & Shawn said...

They are look devine!!!!